Contributing to the
new leading-edge
Era of digital art.
Come and join the revolution!
Contributing to the
new leading-edge
Era of digital art.
Come and join the revolution!
My NFT Journey

Host and Photographer José Ramos and I speaking at the Photo Lab during the Non Fungible Conference, in Lisbon, Portugal, 2023.
My story in the NFTs started in February 2021, after seeing a friend talking about it on social media. I was intrigued and straight away I tried to find information about it. Whilst reading about NFTs, I felt it was like an opportunity from the Universe to also put my own personal art out there and as such, I jumped right on it.
I minted my first NFT – ‘Inanna’ – on the 18th of March, 2021 and never looked back. After almost 3 years in the space, I am so grateful for all the friendships I’ve built and how it helped me grow as an artist. Because of NFTs I was able to sell my art to people from all over the world, be exhibited worldwide, enter and win art competitions, be featured in different platforms and twitter spaces, connect with amazing people online and in person, became a speaker at NFC Lisbon and contribute to the new era of digital art and decentralisation.
It was also at the end of March that same year, that I founded a group dedicated to supporting women artists in the NFT space, called ‘NFT Goddesses’ and together we create various projects for the social good.
What My Collectors
& Friends Are Saying

‘The Ocean Queen’ being exhibited at the NEAL DIGITAL’s
Gallery #DANY2023 Photography Special Edition “Forever Frame”,
Beijing, China, February, 2023.
‘The Ocean Queen’ being exhibited at the NEAL DIGITAL’s
Gallery #DANY2023 Photography Special Edition “Forever Frame”,
Beijing, China, February, 2023.

‘Crypto Goddess’ being exhibited at NFT Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 2023.
What Are NFTs?
NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are one-of-a-kind digital token/artwork, which means they cannot be replaced or copied. They are unique.
NFTs are similar to prints in the sense that you can collect them and display it on on your wall on a digital screen.
As it’s in digital format, it’s perfect for those that want to collect a lot of art, but simply do not have the space, as a in digital screen you will be able to show all the art pieces you’ve collected.
The Benefits of NFTs
As it is recorded on the blockchain, the authenticity of the artwork can easily be established, as the first record will usually belong to the original artist/creator of the piece.
One of the key benefits of NFTs is that they provide proof of ownership. When collecting a NFT artwork, the buyer is purchasing proof that they own it.
Because every transaction is recorded, it is easy to track its entire ownership history (who created, who collected and who sold it).
Purchasing or selling a NFT is really easy, as it can be done on a marketplace or even privately, without the need for a third party.
Please bear in mind that just as prints/physical artworks, the artist will always retain the copyright and reproduction rights (unless there is a contract signed by both parties agreeing on a different licence).
By selling an NFT for profit later on, you will still continue to support the artist, as they will get a percentage back on every secondary sale. In my case, the percentage is usually 10%.
Your Impact
By collecting, or even creating NFTs, you will also be part of this innovative artistic revolution.
Not only you will be leading the innovation by jumping on this new and transparent digital Era of web3, you will also be supporting artists financially from anywhere in the world.
Currently, I offer my artworks as 1 of 1s and limited editions NFTs in both ETH and Tezos blockchains.
Check my NFTs below!
Available Artworks

The Ocean Queen
0.86 ETH - 1 ETH (Foundation - under my own smart contract)
Embraced by the waves, she came
Within her mind, a long lost name
The salted water ran along her veins
For she and the ocean were the same
Model: Kristina Nikitina
Headdress: Olesya Bryutova
Make-up Artist: Sarah Shaw
Assistant: Matt Thompson
1 of 1
Rebirth of Flora
0.86 ETH - 1 ETH Buy it Now (Foundation )
Flora was the Roman Goddess of spring and flowering plants.
I wanted to represent the beauty and the flourishing of our natural world when spring arrives to bring it back to life.
Model: Karin Kirsten
Headdress: Rouge Pony
1 of 1

Queen Bee
1 ETH (SuperRare)
As she stands strong in the presence of mother-earth,
her fingertips delicately touch the vibrant flowers.
The touch of life.
Her role is too significant to be denied.
This artwork is a homage to these tiny and wonderful creatures that do so much for our planet: bees.
It was also created with the intent of bringing awareness to the bees’ decline due to climate change, use of toxic pesticides and habitat loss.
I truly believe that humans and nature are one and as such we are co-dependent. We need bees as 1/3 of our food comes from bee pollination but they also need us to protect their environment.
This artwork cover will be provided as both a digital and physical copy of the book.
Model: Yazzmin Newell
Make-up artist: Helena Sergeant
Dress & crown: Kathryn Russell
Hand jewellery: Arma Medusa
1 of 1
1 ETH (Foundation - under my own smart contract)
Part of Sloika's #ITAP world
‘Queen’ is about discovering the power within yourself to become who you want to be.
The only person who can decide your happiness is you.
Within you there is both light and darkness, but only you can find your own voice. Only you can choose which path to take.
You are free to be who you want to be. And when you decide what you want, you will be powerful. Powerful to shine bright and to empower others.
Model: Karin Kirsten
Designer: Rouge Pony
Make-up Artist: Bia Osmondi
1 of 1

The High Priestess
0.86 ETH (Foundation)
Part of the Ethereal Journey Tarot world
The High Priestess is related to the subconscious and divine knowledge. When this card appears, it asks you to trust your intuition and wisdom.
I believe trusting our inner selves and following our gut is one of the things that helps us connect most with the universe.
It can be really hard sometimes to believe and trust yourself, especially when things seem to go wrong, but once we realise that we are all energy and that believing ourselves is a form of love, we will then feel more aligned with our purpose.
For this card’s artwork, I tried to give it a modern and fashionable look, by asking the model to use a sequin silver dress. On her head, lies a crown with the Triple Goddess symbol, which is related to the cycle of life and the divine feminine, and which is usually worn by coven Priestesses.
To represent spiritual enlightenment and divine knowledge, I used a crystal ball in the model’s hand, which she moves up and down. Each movement representing our ascension into a higher plane, into our subconscious, where our inner truth lies.
To create this animation, I photographed each gesture separately and then edited each photo and combined them during the post-processing.
Model: Cátia Soares
Designer: Twilight Couture
1 of 1
The Portal
15 XTZ/Tez (
Take a step and you may find
That not everything is what it seems
Magic hides in plain sight
Open your unconscious mind
The clues are in your dreams
The portal is there, shining bright
Model: Karin Kirsten
Designer: Rouge Pony
Make-up Artist: Bia Osmondi
22 of 30 editions

0.015 ETH (
Samhain, or Halloween, was celebrated by our ancestors as the day where the boundaries between the worlds of the living and of the dead would fade.
This was a special day to remember and celebrate those that came before us, our loved ones that are no longer with us. As a way to rejoice together once again.
In this artwork I wanted to reflect our ascension in life, our soul’s connection with the stars and our imminent night finite. A celebration of our circle of life, as our minds touch the memories and spirits of those we love.
Model: Anna Petterle
11 of 15 editions
Sold Artworks
Sold Out - 2 ETH (Foundation)
Kali forces us to look inside ourselves. She represents the inner strength within every woman that is fierce and unstoppable. The embodiment of liberation. The force within us to thrive and accept ourselves, even our inner demons.
This photographic work is part of my project ‘Wytches and Seers’; based on ancient goddesses from different mythologies, which intends to celebrate women and their power.
10% was donated to India’s Crypto Covid Relief.
Model: Bristy
1 of 1

1 ETH (Foundation)
Inanna, Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, sex and justice. She is sensual, independent and ambitious. This Queen of Heaven is not here to be subjugated to any man or woman. Inanna is the personification of emancipation.
This photographic work is part of my project ‘Wytches and Seers’ (2014); based on ancient goddesses from different mythologies. This is more than a personal project, it is a meaningful and artistic celebration of women and their power.
Model: Luz Vítrea
Make-up artist: Mazz Loxtont
Designer: Avalon Saez
1 of 1
Jamison Dove
Crypto Goddess
Sold Out - 2 ETH (Foundation)
Rise of the Machines
A new Era has begun
When mind and metal fuse
A new pantheon is born
Kyberia blessed be thy name
Mother of Technology
Imminent whisperer
Untie your sacred wires
May your waves be felt across the globe
Kyberia, it is in thy name
That we unite once more
Eternal souls bound by thy blue light
Goddess of Crypto
Lifts us high above Aether
For we may now touch freedom
The magical circle has begun
Spirit, Nature and Machinery
The power of three
The final step in evolution
Proclaiming the revolution
May your wallets be full
And your wealth be plenty
By the power of three times three
With harm to none, so mote it be
Photographic artwork created for the OM Art Show One, hosted by @mintfaced. Launched at @punk6529’s Gradients Gallery.
Inspired by my love of ancient Goddesses, magic and the crypto/NFT space.
Model: Kivenia Ferreira
1 of 1
Jonathan Little

The Fire Within
0.25 ETH (Foundation)
Part of the Wild Nature world, which I curated
There’s a flame burning inside
A magic waiting to be unleashed
It is soothing, it is untamed
A voice that will no longer be denied
Thoughts that no longer need to hide
That part of us that makes us whole
The will to persevere that makes us braver
Both delicate and fierce
The essence of the feminine soul
The fire within, our wild nature
Model: Diana Carvalho
Skirt: Sónia Ferreira
Assistant: Tânia Carvalho
1 of 1
Andrea aka Crown and Palette
The Dance of Spring
Sold Out - 0.60 ETH (OpenSea)
She knew the poems of the trees
Danced to the songs of the leaves
The birds chirped away
What the sunlight had to come to say
The earth vibrated beneath her feet
The turn of the wheel is complete
Model: Anna Petterle
1 of 1

Reclaim the Crown
Sold Out - 350 XTZ/Tez (
“Think like a Queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.”
– Oprah Winfrey
It’s in the moments that we rise up after falling that we are the strongest. It’s in those times that we find a strength within us that we never thought possible. It’s in that space in time that we will find the confidence to move further in the direction we want.
Model: Bernadette Lemon
1 of 1
Among the Flowers
Sold Out - 5 XTZ/Tez (
As if in a soothing dream
The petals fly in the wind
With them, my body dances
In each movement my soul expands
It is in this very moment
With heart wide open
That I know I can be me
That I can be wild and free
When I am among the flowers
Model: Anna Petterle
Necklace: Alovisetto
30 editions

Sold Out - 0.10 ETH (Opensea)
Sometimes the things we want or wish seem unattainable and out of our hands. Those are stories we tell ourselves. Stories we believe about ourselves. We are caught in the concept of not being “good enough” and we forget that we are deserving. That we matter.
Just like every feather on a bird has its own purpose, so do you. Be that feather and write your own story. Find your purpose. Your mission.
You are your HIGHER SELF.
Model: Ophidia
Make-up: Kika von Macabre
4 editions
Rahim Mahtab
Jeff Mihaly
Freedom to Love
Sold Out - 0.05 ETH (OpenSea)
Love should be available for everyone. Love should be possible for everyone. Unfortunately, this is not the case. 71 countries criminalise same-sex relationships, in at least 6 of them the death penalty is allowed. It is shocking to me that people are condemned for the fact they want to love and be loved. To be accepted for who they are.
With this work I tried to express the idea that love is freedom and thus everyone should have the freedom to love. May we look at each other with more empathy and realise that we are all the same. That we feel the same. Cry the same. Breathe the same. We were put on this world to enjoy it and connect with one another as one. It is time to say goodbye to these rules, beliefs and thoughts that separate us and become one.
Love is the key to everything. Let love be free…
Models: Florian Hencher & Adam Lee Mroz
30 editions

Window of Enchantment
Sold Out - 0.02 ETH (Manifold)
“In her world of dreams and make believe
She reigns forever
With all her glory
In this world of endless fantasy
She makes it happen
It’s her reality”
— Lyrics by Within Temptation: World of Make Believe
Model: Maria João Gouveia